Public improvement efforts by Main Street Fort Dodge are partially funded by the Downtown Fort Dodge Self-Supported Municipal Improvement District. SSMID was created in 1982 and is renewed every 10 years; most recently in 2022. Here is a sample of the projects MSFD has implemented since inception:
Safety Cameras, especially in parking areas: $120,000
2021 Challenge Grant Awarded to 1109 Central Ave.: $75,000
Pick It Up trash containers: $10,000
The commission of a Downtown Streetscape Plan: $60,000​
Large Central Ave planters; $3,200 annually and decorated seasonally by Pride in Community Appearance (PICA)
Lunch on Central
Fencing Grants: $2,500 annually
Merry on Main/Small Business Saturday: $2,200 annually
IGNITE Entrepreneurial Series: $2,000
Redesigned parking initiative; $2,200
Downtown Country Jam Sponsor: $750
Free Building Design Assistance provided by Main Street Iowa:
Access Audio (500 1st Ave. S);
Dodge Graphix (419-429 1st Ave S);
Trolley Center (904-920 Central Ave);
Snell Building (801 Central Ave)