By: Kris Patrick
Fort Dodge was well represented during the 32nd annual Main Street Iowa Awards celebration on Friday, April 13, 2018 at Hoyt Sherman Place in Des Moines. Main Street Fort Dodge nominated Pederson for his outstanding promotion of Main Street in Fort Dodge during his 2017 presidency of SSMID, the downtown’s Self-Sustaining Municipal Improvement District. Board member Natalie Newell, Executive Director Kris Patrick, and committee members Maggie Carlin and Carissa Harvey attended the celebration along with Pederson’s wife Carol and mother, Wineva Pederson. Governor Kim Reynolds recognized Pederson with a 2018 Main Street Iowa Leadership Award.
Pederson, owner of Blue Ribbon Pehlam Waters, helped lead Fort Dodge’s efforts to become a designated Main Street Iowa community in 2017. From radio shows to service club visits, Steve continues to work diligently to make certain the community is aware of the organizations efforts. He contributed more than 102 hours last year to ensure the success of the program.
The program honored the efforts of those who work day in and day out to revitalize Iowa’s downtowns – the heart and soul of communities across the state.
Main Street Iowa has annually presented awards honoring outstanding accomplishments, activities and people making a difference in Main Street districts throughout the state. Projects large and small are recognized and serve as outstanding examples of what historic commercial district revitalization is all about.
This year, 18 projects were selected to be recognized from the 117 competitive nominations submitted. The honors were presented by Governor Kim Reynolds and James Engle, director of the Iowa Downtown Resource Center (IDRC).
“The Main Street Iowa program is a powerful catalyst for local revitalization and community investment,” said Governor Reynolds. “As I travel across the state, I see over and over that Main Streeters are passionate, innovative and creative. They’re also committed to making their downtowns - and our state - a stronger, more sustainable place to live, work and raise a family.”
During the event, 13 communities were recognized for reaching significant benchmarks for the private dollar investments made in the purchase and revitalization of properties within their respective commercial districts. Avoca was recognized for reaching the $1 million-dollar benchmark in the last year and Fort Madison and Manning were honored for $3 million in local investment. Ames, Greenfield, Marion, Mount Vernon, Washington and Woodbine all attained the $10 million-dollar benchmark level. Mount Pleasant was recognized for achieving $20 million in local investment since being designated a local Main Street program in 2002 and Cedar Rapids’ Czech Village – New Bohemia, Marshalltown and West Des Moines reached the $50 million-dollar benchmark. The communities of Belle Plaine, Mount Vernon, Washington and Woodbine were recognized for 10 years of participation as designated Main Street Iowa programs.
Two special awards were presented during the evening. The Spirit of Main Street Award recognizes a person, organization, community or project that demonstrates the spirit of “Main Street at Work” in Iowa through innovation, support and commitment to economic development within the context of historic preservation. This award was presented to Darla Ubben (posthumously) of Conrad, Iowa. The Signature Project Award recognizes an outstanding project that rises above the traditional award categories. This award was presented to representatives from the City of West Des Moines and the Historic Valley Junction Foundation for their involvement in the CoSign program in Historic Valley Junction’s historic commercial district.
In 1985, the Iowa Legislature adopted the National Main Street Center's Four Point Approach® to district revitalization by establishing Main Street Iowa within the agency that is now the Iowa Economic Development Authority. Since its inception, the state program and its communities have been considered examples of excellence in the national effort to revitalize historic commercial districts across the country.
Since 1986, local Main Street programs have made a significant impact on Iowa’s economy, resulting in:
The inception of 4,670 new businesses and a net gain of 14,348 jobs.
Nearly 12,000 building projects reported, totaling a private investment of over $1.85 billion dollars.
More than 3 million hours of human capital equating to over $72 million dollars in time and talents according to the Independent Sector’s estimated value of a volunteer hour.
For more information about Main Street Iowa and how all Iowa communities can access commercial revitalization assistance through the IDRC, visit iowaeconomicdevelopment.com/MainStreetIowa, email mainstreet@iowaeda.com or call 515.348.6184.
To learn more about Main Street Fort Dodge contact Kris Patrick at kris@mainstreetfd.org or call 515.573.3172.