More downtown buildings to see improvements

A handful of downtown Fort Dodge buildings will be getting an exterior makeover in the next several months.
A project funded largely by a $500,000 state grant awarded in 2021 will pay for facade renovations at these locations:
• 814 First Ave. S.
• 700 Central Ave.
• 702 Central Ave.
• 710 Central Ave.
• 801-805 Central Ave.
• 911 Central Ave.
The City Council on Monday hired Shyft Collective, of Des Moines, to do the work at a cost of $771,817.
The work will start within 30 days and be complete by June 2024, according to Vickie Reeck, the city’s community and economic development director.
A $500,000 Community Development Block Grant was awarded to the city government and Main Street Fort Dodge in October 2021 for this effort.
The city government will contribute $250,000.
Property owners who participate in the project will collectively contribute another $250,000.
A previous Community Development Block Grant awarded in about 2019 helped to pay for another facade improvement project on the east end of downtown.
That project addressed Harty’s Caddy Shack Cafe, Little Joe’s Computers, Fireside Lounge, Brass Monkey and Mary Kay’s Gifts and Home Decor.